Thursday 10 May 2012

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product.

To make my product unique i used a range of media technologies. The list below names all the  technologies used in the creation of “The Unexpected”.



-Internet Explorer (Research, blogger, YouTube, Sounds)

-Garage Band

-Final Cut pro

-Sony Vegas Pro 11.0

-Adobe After Effects CS5.5

-Digital video camera

-Microsoft word

As you can see, we uses an extensive range of media technologies to create  “The Unexpected”. We learnt a large skill set, and that although we were not always getting results we wanted, prevalence and the willing to learn allowed us to achieve what we wanted.

Our group is made up of 3, Oscar, Pattipan and Alex, neither of us do/have ever owned a mac, this was a large initial challenge to us, as we were not used to the layout and how macs operated. Out final editing and work in school was done on Macs, so we had to familiarize ourselves with them quickly. We learnt that they are very good for creating any form of media, and all the programs interlink, which made the whole process a lot easier and fun, as we got to learn new skills and tryout new things.

We used Pc’s to download software more suitable to th3 operating system of Microsoft, such and sony vegas and after effects. This is because we needed to learnt to use them effectively to produce certain aspects of the film, and most guides are on Pc. Pc’s also render quicker, so we increased quality and the FPS of our product on sony vegas to save time.

The internet is an obvious technology, but it was a key asset to our group, we could research films on youtube to generate ideas and also target marketing using websites. The internet offers a large knowledge and information base which we had to learn to use to out advantage. We also learnt to use Blogger, which was new to all of us. This is where we uploaded our final video and all work due for the course. We also took advantage of Instant messaging , we could all communicate and discuss ideas together, while sending  essays to be analysed and improved by other members of the group. Parts of editing were also backed up and sent to each other using the internet. It is the basis for most of our product, as it distributes and exhibits it.

We also learn to use garage band, it is a program on macs that let you create music and beats. We used garage band to make non-diagetic sounds for our media product, this gave it more professionalism and a more defined and pronounced scene.

Final Cut Pro additionally is a mac program, that we produced the main bulk of our media product on. We leant many skills in editing and trimming on final cut pro, it shows the importance of editing to distinguish films with good plots. Our main editor learnt more technical skills with Final cut pro that allowed us to create a USP for our media product. Final cut pro was used to upload our finished product and combine all three of the editing software’s used together along with sounds from garage band.  It was a key aspect of our success in out film.

Sony vegas was a program downloaded into our Pc’s, it is  slightly more advanced in some aspects of editing. We used it for our initial attempts at introductions and for increasing the quality of our final product. It was an important key contributor to the final media product.

Adobe After Effects CS5.5 was used for our final introduction,  it is an advanced piece of software that we innately struggled to use. We practiced, and eventually cam to understand concepts to movement, dimensions, CGI and more. It also has the ability to help create more advanced future products that we will create. Although challenging, the whole team enjoyed learning to use Adobe After Effects CS5.5.

We used a digital video camera to film out product, this required a large skill set. We had to leant how to control the camera and use a wide range of shots to go with it. From this you can see the importance of props and lighting, as it can overbalance the shot. We also had to upload the shots onto the computer or macs.

Microsoft word allowed us to create the written part of our overall product, and the basis for all essays. It is easy to use, and was also valuable as it was compatible on both Mac and Pc.

Overall, technology has helped us greatly to create out film intro more advanced and unique. It allowed communication aswell as the nitty gritty editing and final touches for out film. There was not a single aspect that we did not use/require technology for. Our skill set and understanding of how important technology is to ever aspect of media had increased vastly.

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