Thursday 10 May 2012

Evaluation Question 4 – Who would be the audience for your media product?

Real Talk Pictures have made a horror/thriller film for the reason of it is not just targeted at a small group of people but it also gives us the chance to gain higher viewing figures and more cinema receipts due to horror being such a popular and well known drawing you in type of genre.
 Making horror a popular genre choice for both males and females helps to target both genders of audience rather than chick flicks targeted more of a female based audience and action mystery films targeting more of a male based viewers.

The rating of our film has been given a 15 age rating which means that the audience could be from any age of 15 and above, we decided to give the restriction to young younger than 15 not being able to watch the film because it isn’t suitable for them therefore we need to take into consideration that they may take idea from the film because young people pick things up easily, copy and use them in everyday life which could be deadly. By choosing a 15 rating this meant that we didn’t include any offensive language, behaviour and the horror can be strong without being sexualised to something more, the reason we chose to use a 15 rating is because we felt that it gives us the chance to appeal to younger audience compared to other horror films such as ‘Scream’ which are rated at 18+.

Our film has been made so that it would appeal to both genders creating a wider audience to view the media product, due to the fact that my media product is a 15 it means that it’s the type of media product which would appeal to someone of my age range but also has been made so that someone age 30+ would be able to enjoy viewing the product too. My ideal audience isn’t a particular age but for no younger than 15-16 or older than 40-50. Younger consumers of films usually are only included in part time employment therefore they are able to visit the cinema occasionally when there are films which really appeal and intrigue them, there is always an advantage and disadvantage to everything therefore we think that an advantage of appealing to a young audience is that it will increase more offers to be used from Orange Wednesdays but also student ID cards.

As our film is a horror and not many have been made to appeal to a younger audience to make an impact because we wanted it to make a difference to the films which have already been made in a similar way to up their game.

However there are a lot of females who love horror films so they’re also a target audience. We made the sequence in a way that will appeal to most people in the age range that I have mentioned before. It’s interesting and it grabs the viewers’ attention. We wanted to create something that would appeal to a very wide range of people and I believe that we have achieved that in our media product. We did a lot of research on film genres and horror was one of them. We looked carefully at the different audience to see what people like. We also did a mini questionnaire to see what people like in general. We came to a conclusion that a lot of males were interested in horror films but also action. Action is the main genre that males are interested in compared to females who are more interested in rom-coms. Interest in horror appeared both in males and females and although some females like horror it’s still a genre that is preferred by males.

We based this by looking at the pearl and dean planner which allows you to see all the new releases. This webiste allowed us to click onto a film which looked similar to ours and see what the professionals thought would be the most popular audience.

A disadvantage of appealing our film target audience to being slightly younger than normal would be that some youngsters might not be fully matured therefore they take the risk of sneaking into a film above their actual age range but then having a bad experience from the film resulting in nightmares or even behavioural chances after being possibly influenced. The film’s overall aim is to entertain the audience and these are the scene which they would wish to see.

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