Sunday 15 April 2012

Film Actors & Costume Research

Film Actors & Costume

Our movie is based around a farmhouse which is in a secluded area and I have decided to research into characters which will be entailed in our movie. I have chosen to research antagonists of horror movies and the venerable people in the horror movies. This is because in our movie we are going to have a babysitter looking after a child which is the vulnerable characters and a threatening suspicious character.

Antagonist Research 

1. Strangers – In this movie there are three killers and they are terrorising a couple that are trapped inside a secluded house which is surrounded by forests. What is good about these antagonists is that the masks are scary and the two women have china doll masks on which is stereotypical of horror/thriller movies

2. Saw – This horror movie only has one antagonist which again has a doll character but this time it is not just the mask the killer is a small person which has a prop of a tricycle. What is good about this killer is that they have made it scary by giving the doll red eyes and exaggerated its facial features.

3. Scream – This movies killer has a black cloak with a white mask and is taken from a famous piece of art called the scream by Edvard Munch. This adds to the scariness and his weapon is a knife which is stereotypical but I don’t think it will fit the character in mind for our main task.
Decision - After our research into our inspiration for our antagonist we did a survey in the class and got them to choose which character will suit our movie the best. The movie that most people thought would suit our movie the best was option 1 (strangers). We are only going to have one character antagonist though in our movie instead of three because it is hard to get people to act for us.
Vulnerable Character Research
1.       The Hills Have Eyes – All these characters are young around 18-25 and there is a dog as well which is always a bonus in a horror movie as they seem to be the protagonist of the movie but the problem is that you will need a trained dog to act if we were to get one. What we are mainly looking at is the women and the baby because a typical babysitter is a young woman/teenager wearing casual clothes and a baby/child is key in the movie as there screams can add tension.
2. Scream 4 – In this movie there are mostly older people who are the vulnerable but they are women and the older men try and be the protagonists. These people are also wearing casual clothes which seem to be a key aspect in horror movies to have a relaxed atmosphere so they can have juxtaposing scenes.

3. The Cabin in The Woods – In this movie to is a group of teenagers which go to cabin in the woods and there are two girls and three guys and they are all wearing casual clothes. I think it is a must to have a young actor such as a teenager in our movie.
Decision - Our decision for our vulnerable people in our movie was chosen by another survey that we have done in the class and most of the people chose option 1 (the hills have eyes). So we are not going to include all the characters just a young girl and a child/baby. Also a lot of people said that we should have a dog in our main task but it might be difficult to get a dog to act in our movie.

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